ABout me

Solomon Ni is a junior at Jones College studying Social Policy Analysis and served as the 64th President of the Rice University Student Association (2023-24), previously serving as the organization’s Treasurer, and as a New Student Representative from Jones College.

He has significant experience managing around $400,000 in student fees to Blanket Tax Organizations like the Rice Thresher, ktru, and the Rice Program Council (RPC) spearheading critical reforms to help students better understand how this funding is utilized and holding organizations accountable on how they utilize the funding they receive. Under his term as Treasurer, he oversaw a record-breaking amount of initiative funding requests from student organizations on campus, doubling the number of requests seen in previous years and the amount distributed.

Solomon successfully lobbied the Faculty Senate for the inclusion of Election Day as a non-instructional day for 2024 and expanded access to the ballot box by providing shuttle services to students to early voting locations.

They worked closely with the Rice Women’s Resource Center (RWRC) to be able to provide emergency contraceptives at no cost to students and successfully pushed for the inclusion of the RWRC as a Blanket Tax Organization to be able to receive student fees.

As President of the Student Association he oversaw the implementation, installation, and completion of the Student Association’s Menstrual Accessibility Project (MAP). This includes securing $19,000 in funding towards permanent dispensers and working closely with Rice University’s Facilities, Engineering & Planning (FE&P) and Housing & Dining (H&D) departments.

Together, with his Executive Committee, Solomon implement an overhaul and reform of the Student Association’s governing documents including the organization’s bylaws. These reforms include restructuring of the Student Association Senate Committees and providing better education on parliamentary procedures.

Working with Rice University’s Transportation department they pushed for more bus lines and adjusting existing transit stops based on where off-campus students live. Using data from surveying 3000+ students, he was able to open new lines based on the domiciles of students not living on campus.

He worked closely with the 11 residential college presidents to make the Student Association more present and visible to the campus. During his. term he drafted passed 25+ bills and resolutions and presented them to the Rice University Faculty Senate.